
"Capture Summer" is a collaboration between KIDS Global Network, Inc. and Y.O.U. "Capture Summer" uses PhotoVoice, a technique for storytelling and education through photography used worldwide. As part of the project, students learned visual literacy, photography techniques and how to edit and express themselves with photos, focusing on identity and personal experiences.

KGN partnered this summer with Y.O.U., an Evanston youth service organization to offer a PhotoVoice experience to middle school students.  Students met for 5 weeks during their summer camp. Initially, we taught the participants how to use point and shoot cameras that we supplied.  Later, we sent the cameras home with the students over the 4th of July weekend to capture their friends and family during the holiday.  We asked them to take at least 2 photos a day, a vertical and horizontal. They were also asked to write a short journal entry about the photos they took.  

A couple of the students took the cameras with them to an overnight camp experience.  The group came back with photos of Minnesota lakes, family vacations, goofing around and pictures of pets.  They captured their summer activities and adventures.

The photos were then enlarged, printed and mounted for an exhibition at Y.O.U.’s summer showcase and an exhibit at Evanston Public Library.  “Capture Summer” will be on display at Evanston Public Library from August 9th to 30th on the second floor landing.